
Scripting language

Complete specification of the IceSL scripting language. Includes examples

Printer profiles

Technical documentation of printer profiles in IceSL and their components

Plugins system

IceSL plugin system specification. Includes how to set up a framework and samples with explanation

Python module

Pyicesl documentation. Complete specification of IceSL’s python bindings

Tutorials, Guides & Videos

Here you will find a number of tutorials and videos on the use of IceSL. Their presentation order is based on difficulty and familiarity with the tool, hence we recommend to follow them in an orderly fashion.

We welcome community questions, corrections, suggestions and submissions for new tutorials! Please drop us a note on the forum with your contributions.


Using brushes

Create a simple 3D model and use brushes to specify different infill percentages



Introduction to IceSL by Magazine DIY3DTech

Author: DIY3DTech –

Video duration: 18 minutes.

IceSL Slicer - Example Using Adaptive Layer Slicing!

Author: DIY3DTech –

Video duration: 12 minutes.

IceSL Slicer - How to do Basic Scripting in iceSL Forge!

Author: DIY3DTech –

Video duration: 17 minutes.

IceSL Slicer - Creating Custom Printers in Windows!

Author: DIY3DTech –

Video duration: 13 minutes.

IceSL Slicer - How To Add Printer and Material Profiles!

Author: DIY3DTech –

Video duration: 10 minutes.

IceSL Slicer - Converting an STL to SVG for a Laser or CNC Workflows!

Author: DIY3DTech –

Video duration: 6 minutes.

Parameter Painting Infill

Author: Sylvain Lefebvre (sylvain.lefebvre at inria dot fr)

The video below demonstrates the ability of painting introduced in version 2.1.7. It is very concise and lasts only for 1 minute.

Introduction to IceSL version 2.3.4

Author: Technivorous 3dprinting – YouTube channel

This video was created with the purpose of a quick show-off of various capabilities of IceSL version 2.3.4. Duration is close to 20 minutes.

Introduction to IceSL version 2.1.0

Author: Sylvain Lefebvre (sylvain.lefebvre at inria dot fr)

The following is a video introducing IceSL-slicer as an individual component of IceSL. It is intended to be a quick tour on some important features introduced in version 2.1.0. It lasts around 5 minutes.

IceSL in other languages